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About MarkMBell

When reflecting upon his childhood, Mark Bell's memories coalesce around a loving, supportive, core and extended family.  Growing up in a Manhattan "suburb," a.k.a. the Bronx, in an 80 family apartment building adjacent to eight similarly constructed edifices on the "block," allowed for many days of playful activities with the other kids on the block.

Give  them a  ball, and they were good to go with a game of stick ball, punch ball, baseball, or basketball. There were also more  games like "Johnny on the pony," which fortunately did not cause too much damage to their young bodies.

An early display of musical talent led to the eventual development of his interest in songwriting, post-college.  Some of his compositions brought him into some of N.Y.C's music studios, wherein several music

publishers, amongst them Croma Music, Big 7 Music, Genius Inc., and Planetary Music Publishing Corp. supported and published a number of his recordings.  

During that period there was employment by IBM and several other IT companies lasting eight years.  It was during this phase that he received a Master's of Science in psychology, from St. Johns University.

An  independent nature dictated the next stage of enterprise, that of self -employment. Several businesses later

and the hibernating creative juices resumed their flow.

  His current work is “I Think, Therefore I may Become: devolution or realization, the choice is yours."

A lifetime desire to glean and separate essential truths from misconceptions, has led to his research of all the sciences, socio-political ideologies, philosophies, and history thus affording him the opportunity to write his current work. Mark has also

written an essay to be re-published as a book under the title “I Think, Therefore I May Become: personal primary psyche need,” which fully describes an original psychological concept of his.

He has appeared on radio and T.V. discussing human and animal rights, and leadership. He makes his residence in N.Y.

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